Thursday, July 31, 2014


Life is the most exciting opportunity we have. But we have one shot. You graduate from college once, and that's it. You're going out of that nest. And you have to find that courage that's deep, deep, deep in there. Every step of the way.
-Andrew Shue

A new chapter of our life,as time goes by we are meant to follow the legacy of our parents.It is their joy to see us soberly persevering success.I believe that here in college is the stepping stone for success.We have a courage not to bother the circumstances,pain,hardships and obstacles along our way.As long as God is with us nothing will harm our  way. So,Challenge Accepted!



We've been beaten by Davao Doctors College Varsity team in this fight.We, USEP Bio leagues having a hard time on defeating them because they were so Big! they
having a height and strength advantage compared to us.Besides it was a GooD Game.Both of us playing in competent and joyful manner.

That place wherein Biolympics was situated in University of Philippines @ Mintal



This was the time when the FPE officials include me to the team whose duty was to clean up the mess at the upper portion of stock room at Philippine Eagle,also including this Taxidermy of the Eagle (Diola).For me its a great pleasure to be the one of those given a task like this. We've been eliminating dust and mold from the body of Diola.



It was my first to experience such glamorous competition among all different courses in College of Arts and Science.ABS committee decided to chose me as the representative for Bio,at first I declined their offering for  me but unfortunately my friends including my classmates cheers me up in order for me to accept that.It was a great opportunity to show up my fullest ability with my partner Ms.Wiljeanne Rodriguez as the representative.I grab the moment and consider it as the one of my greatest experience in college life.Fortunately,I won the 2nd price/runner-up.Im so happy and joyous that time.Until now I reminisce that wonderful moment

Mystery of Death Valley's 'Sailing Stones' Solved

sailing stones

As the research team studied weather patterns on the Racetrack, they also looked for rocks that seemed to move on their own in other environments. Scanning the scientific literature, Lorenz learned that the buoyancy of ice helped float boulders onto arctic tidal beaches, creating barricades along the shore. The scientists began putting this idea together with what they saw on the Racetrack. “We saw one instance where there was a rock trail and it looked like it hit another rock and bounced, but the trail didn't go all the way up to the other rock, like it was repelled somehow,” says Lorenz. “We thought if there was a collar of ice around the rock, then it might be easy to imagine why it might bounce.”
Eventually, Lorenz employed a tried-and-true method for testing his nascent idea: the kitchen-table experiment. “I took a small rock, and put it in a piece of Tupperware, and filled it with water so there was an inch of water with a bit of the rock sticking out,” he says. “I put it in the freezer, and that then gave me a slab of ice with a rock sticking out of it.” He flipped the rock-ice hybrid upside down and floated it in a tray of water with sand on the bottom. By merely blowing gently on the ice, he realized, he could send the embedded rock gliding across the tray, scraping a trail in the sand as it moved. After decades of theoretical calculations by countless scientists, the answer seemed to be sitting on his tabletop.
Lorenz and his team presented their new model in a 2011 paper. “Basically, a slab of ice forms around a rock, and the liquid level changes so that the rock gets floated out of the mud,” he explains. “It’s a small floating ice sheet which happens to have a keel facing down that can dig a trail in the soft mud.” Calculations show that, in this scenario, the ice causes virtually no friction on the water, so the stones are able to glide with just a slight breeze. The team argues that their model accounts for the movement far better than any other, since it doesn't require massive wind speeds or enormous ice sheets.
Still, says Ranger Van Valkenburg, most visitors to the Racetrack seem to resist this concrete explanation for such a peculiar phenomenon. “People always ask, ‘what do you think causes them to move?’ But if you try to explain, they don't always want to hear the answers,” he says. “People like a mystery—they like an unanswered question.”
In a way, though, Lorenz’ physical explanation really need not diminish the feeling of awe the sailing stones bring about—it can heighten it. You can get a sense of it by sitting at the playa and imagining the perpetual sailing of the stones over time, stretching into millennia. As human societies rise and fall, and as cities are constructed and then left to disintegrate, the stones will glide gradually around their playa, turning back and forth. Frozen in ice and nudged by the slightest of breezes, they will endlessly carve mysterious, zigzagging paths into the hard flat ground.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Here are the different faces of Olaso Clan,The first picture was captured 4 oclock in the morning,because we are having a serenade to our Lolo Antonio Olaso,He's now 72 years of existence here in earth.The first pic is the bunch of my cousins here in Bohol.

This second photo is taken when we are having a night swimming @ bitoon white sand beach at Bohol,It was the darkest night in beach I've ever experience,no lighting you can see afar the seas,compared to Davao.You can only see the stars,moon,flashings of lightning and bioluminescent creatures illuminated during that night.


This picture was taken at Samal for the Baptism.Me and others decided to take an action to follow Jesus.Baptism is a public decision that you follow GOD and be a part of his righteousness.


What comes up on our mind why we created this swing!!.This Terrifying and soulshaking swing totally makes our day complete.This crap was made up of  medium size body of Madre-cacao and a Tight-rope.As you can see my Brother Mikey gasping and shouting Mama as I sway at full swing.He was terrified and he told me "I will not do it again".


Along with my new friends and cousins, We'd went to the white sand beach in Bitoon,Candijay wherein they usually celebrate Birthdays of my relatives.This place was truly amazing ,you can truly appreciate the ones who designed this place.We're so glad to meet my cousins from Manila and somewhere in Bohol in this place,that is why I treasure this moment together with my LOVED ones.


I think this picture was taken during the Nutrition Month festival in our school when I was 4th year highschool,This rare pic was just recently discovered in my nokia phone's memory card.Me and Michael Jay Salcedo has taking an oath to be an pseudo-hero.Michael's bet was Superman ,while me was Jose Rizal.

fan sign


Thanks be to my beauitiful classmate Katrina!,for this awesome fan-sign I'd requested to you last time.


The four of us were the best players of basketball  here in Sto.Nino,Tibungco .No one can stop us here in this particular area(basketball court).Were known as the four musketeers of Sto.Nino,we usually play at night time,also we are fond of committing flagrant fouls,intensional fouls and whatsoever.We also usually commit travelling violations and harsh moves,enabling us to release our epinephrine(adrenaline for short).But the truth is that were just a startling or just a beginner in this particular sport.


One of my prayers I invested to God since I was a child is that I want to seek his marvelous creation under the clouds.Fortunately,it was granted last month.For me I'm so grateful to look outside the window pane of the airplane and see the beautiful coral formation between Davao and Samal,the marvelous mountains in Bukidnon,Miniature houses,also the forestral area somewhere in Mindanao and lastly the island of Camiguin.Someday and somehow maybe next year I will fly again to the clouds.



This moment actually was one of the best moments in my life ,it was an awesome opportunity for me to be the one of the contestants in the NBC(national bible quiz) held at Minglanilla,Cebu.Even though our stay on that particular place was 2 days, for me its a great privelege for me to be a contestant of our church for the Poster Making contest.

Noticeably,at my right side,He's the representative of the NCR,He's got an awesome God given talent on drawing.Anyways,I won the second prize,I'd garnered medal and  a little cash prize.Hehehe.Also bound to Cebu ,it was my first time to ride an airplane.Together with my colleagues we spent our moment and experiences happily provided by the Almighty.


This particular area wherein me and my relatives spend our weekdays was in a hidden,medium size limestone cave,in which they believe that it was carved due to a strong earthquake,that's why the upper surface was detached to its surface beneath forming a underground pool.I can't believe also that it is a sinkhole,because mostly of the sinkholes compared to Samal was dangerous and has a high risk of being easily shaken.This sinkhole has a cool water,making me uneasy,also it has several formation atop or the ceiling,there was an stalactites.I planned next year that I will come back again here.