Saturday, August 2, 2014


Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need.
-Sarah Ban Breathnach
This is our home at Balete Buhangin in which many vegetation such as fruits and vegetables surrounds us,we're truly blessed that our surroundings sustains our daily living including our livestocks.Freak and beauty of nature is truly evident in this place, because many awesome things and animals thrive within our land here.This is also the place in which no one is left behind.However,there are times of trials but together with love and faith our family bond will be more healthier and stronger.There's no place like Home!

Friday, August 1, 2014



This plant is commonly known here in Balite Drive as "alingatong" according to the tenants here in our farm,it is extremely irritable if it is in contact with the  skin of animals especially humans.At first I was skeptic and doubtful that this plant is not dangerous,but since our teacher in Botany discussed this kind of plant,upon hearing that I'd just simply believe what our professor discussed.Being so curious I went up down the lawn and searching for some pieces of these plant,as I saw this I directly contact my middle finger to its leaf.However,it doesnt work,so I doubted again.Several minutes after the contact my middle finger irritate and I feel so itchy in my hand,so I soak it with soap.Therefore,I believe that these alingatong is totally "ITCHY".



This particular image is the cover page of our book in Zoology.This Book reminds me to strive hard no matter how difficult the subject is.Besides of its complexity,we yearn to learn more about the biological basis of life within this particular branch of Biology.As a Bio student I conclude that in order for you to learn more you must love the subject including your teacher.When I remember this image,I reminisce all my efforts and hard works regarding to pass a single quiz or an activity for the sake of passing this crap.I believe that all information that this book covers is essential basis for our career and vital for all of us.


These guys are all my classmates,as you can see boys are just few and can be easily outnumbered while girls are so many.We are the type of classmates that are so happy always even there are so many pressures surrounds us,but it doesn't bother us anyway especially to our subject ZOOLOGY.Our bonds and connection as a close friends stays and becoming stronger as time goes by.These guys are seasoned like a rock many trails,obstacles and circumstances occur,but together we remain strong.



You can see here the vast beautiful ocean of Anda at Bohol,including the transitions of color between the wide spaces of the sea and the sky.Limestone formation adds up the harmony of this photo.I truly appreciated this nature and firstly to God's marvelous design.Somehow I'll be back again here in this place and enjoy His creations to the fullest since I'm still alive.


This piece of canvas was my artwork when I joined the Nat.Bible Quiz @ Minglanilla,Cebu.Fortunately,my friend captured this remembrance of my art,because I left this drawing in Pier 1 Cebu when I'm going to the fastcraft bound to Tagbilaran.This piece theme is"Deeper in the Word".


It is the honor of USeP to won the first prize in RAATI 2014(tactical inspection),it is also our joy to garner such prestigious award.As a cadet we are truly longing for the championship as a payback to all our efforts under the scorching heat of the sun.We are so glad because of that big thing.